The William H. Thompson Scholars Learning Community (TSLC) is a living/learning community for students who are awarded the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation Scholarship at the University of Nebraska Kearney (bet36365体育). The Thompson Learning Communities were initiated in 2008 at bet36365体育, UNO, and UNL through a partnership between the University of Nebraska and the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation; the learning communities are named in honor of William H. Thompson, the father of Susan Thompson Buffett. Students who choose to attend bet36365体育 become known as Thompson Scholars and automatically become part of the living/learning community.
While the Thompson Scholars Learning Community Program focuses primarily on the 1st-year and 2nd-year experience, the TSLC Program also provides services to 3rd-year through 5th-year Thompson Scholars. The TSLC Staff offers academic support and individualized attention to students so that they can achieve academic success, become engaged in campus life, and graduate from college.
“Being in a shared Thompson Scholars class is great. Before classes start, Thompson Scholars are gathered for a few days to have meetings and games to get everyone to meet one another. Once classes begin, you feel comfortable sitting next to a fellow Scholar…I always looked forward to my Thompson classes as we all knew each other and that made classes more fun with debates and different views from everyone.”