bet36365体育 Online provides a wide range of video-related resources to the bet36365体育 community for the support and development of online and blended courses. Currently, bet36365体育 Online manages eight learning spaces used for distance classes, lecture capture, studio recordings, meetings, webinars, and other conferencing solutions. These learning spaces help eliminate barriers commonly present when incorporating classes with remote students or instructors. They are designed to encourage interaction and engagement among students as well as provide flexible video capture options for class lectures and tutorials.
bet36365体育 Online closely monitors and evaluates upcoming tends and resource developments that could provide an advancement of the online and blended courses to stay competitive in the marketplace.
bet36365体育 Online has three rooms that were designed with collaborative learning as the primary focus. The rooms have 2-10 pods where students can work collaboratively on in-class projects/assignments. Each pod also has conferencing capabilities to include distance students.
A full-service, live production studio that gives faculty the ability to produce high-quality, professional video without post-production time. Videos are available as soon as the recording is finished. Both traditional backdrops and green screen recordings are available.
A Lightboard is a glass markerboard that uses light to allow faculty to face the camera while writing and recording a lecture. The board gives users a quick and easy way to communicate technical subjects, equations, and sketches.
The bet36365体育 Online Conference rooms, located in the Communications Center, can accommodate groups from 1 to 60 people. Each room is equipped with video conferencing systems that easily integrate with a variety of applications and systems providing high-quality voice and video.
Our rooms can be used to host local and virtual meetings.
Communications Center
1910 University Drive, CMCT 300
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Kearney, NE 68849
Phone: 308-865-8800
Fax: 308-865-8090
[bet36365体育 Map]
Scheduling: Heather Rhinehart,, (308) 865-8800
Room Information or Demo: Tim Bartling,, (308) 865-8061